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Ответы на тесты по медицине. Расчлененные вопросы | Question tags tests

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Choose the best answer.She liked the film, … ?

  • 1. won`t she
  • 2. isn`t it
  • 3. didn`t she
  • 4. doesn`t she
  • 5. did she

Complete the sentence.You have got to get up early, … you?

  • 1. don`t
  • 2. haven`t
  • 3. have
  • 4. do
  • 5. didn`t

Complete the sentence.Yesterday your parents had to speak to the principal, … ?

  • 1. had they
  • 2. hadn`t they
  • 3. do they
  • 4. didn`t they
  • 5. did they

Complete the sentence.Diana doesn`t want to catch a cold, …?

  • 1. doesn`t he
  • 2. does she
  • 3. isn`t it
  • 4. doesn`t she
  • 5. did she

Complete the sentence.Daniela has got to call the fire brigade, … ?

  • 1. doesn`t she
  • 2. hasn`t she
  • 3. has she
  • 4. does she
  • 5. didn`t she

Complete the sentence.John wasn`t happy about his last job, …?

  • 1. isn`t he
  • 2. wasn`t he
  • 3. doesn`t he
  • 4. was he
  • 5. didn`t he

Complete the sentence.You haven`t got any brothers, …?

  • 1. aren`t you
  • 2. didn`t you
  • 3. isn`t he
  • 4. aren`t I
  • 5. have you

Complete the sentence.An office is a place of business, …?

  • 1. doesn`t it
  • 2. is it
  • 3. isn`t it
  • 4. doesn`t he
  • 5. isn`t he

Complete the sentence.I got up very early yesterday, …?

  • 1. do I
  • 2. haven`t I
  • 3. isn`t he
  • 4. didn`t I
  • 5. am I not

Choose the appropriate form of the verb.You had to rewrite it, … you?

  • 1. didn`t
  • 2. don`t
  • 3. hadn`t
  • 4. haven`t
  • 5. did

Choose the appropriate word(s).The economic news looks good, …?

  • 1. don`t they
  • 2. aren`t they
  • 3. isn`t it
  • 4. do they
  • 5. doesn`t it

Choose a general word.We`ve got to pay it all back, …?

  • 1. don`t we
  • 2. aren`t we
  • 3. do we
  • 4. haven`t we
  • 5. have we

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