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Английский язык. Questions. Тест для самопроверки

Сдача тестов дистанционно

Соотношение вопросов и кратких ответов

  • Is it warm today? Yes,it is.
  • Does he love her? No, he doesn’t.
  • Is she swimming now? Yes, she is.
  • Are you a student? Yes, I am.
  • Do you go to school on Sundays? No, I don’t.
  • Does she ask a lot of questions? Yes, she does.
  • Shall I help you? Yes, please.

Соотношение вопросов и кратких ответов

  • Will you join us? Yes, I shall.
  • Did you buy a book? Yes, I did.
  • Were you late for classes? Yes, I was.
  • Does your father work in the office? Yes, he does.
  • Is it warm outside? Yes, it is.

It’s a nice day, … it?

  • isn’t
  • is
  • doesn’t
  • don’t

Your son didn’t help you much, … he?

  • didn’t
  • did
  • is
  • had

We didn’t know she was so young, … she?

  • was
  • did
  • wasn’t
  • didn’t

We usually have dinner at 3, … we?

  • don’t
  • haven’t
  • aren’t

You went to the station with him, …you?

  • don’t
  • didn’t
  • won’t
  • weren’t

You don’t like black coffee, … you?

  • do
  • don’t
  • are

He will have to take his examination in autumn, …he?

  • will
  • won’t
  • doesn’t
  • isn’t

You are a new secretary, … you?

  • aren’t
  • are
  • do
  • don’t

Mother is watching TV, …she?

  • isn’t
  • wasn’t
  • doesn’t

They sent a letter the day before yesterday,…they?

  • do
  • did
  • hadn’t

Sam doesn’t work hard,… he?

  • doesn’t
  • isn’t
  • does
  • is

I shall get up early tomorrow, … I ?

  • shan’t
  • shall
  • don’t
  • do

My father travels a lot, …he?

  • doesn’t
  • hasn’t
  • isn’t

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