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  1. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Anton Rubenstein was asked by a friend of his: «Why do you play the piano every day? But you are already an exceptional pianist and you do not have to do it every day». » If I do not practice it one day, I will notice it myself. If I do not practice it two days, my pupils will notice it. If I do not practice it three days, the audience will notice it».
  2. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.A fisherman had been fishing for a long time but without luck. At last he tugged at his net and saw a small fish caught in it. «Please let me go, — begged the fish, — I will grow bigger in a few days and then you can catch me again». The fisherman said: «Now that I have caught you, I won`t let you go. If I leave you, I may never see you again».
  3. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Once a wolf saw a goat on a top of a hill and said: «Come down here, Miss Goat! The grass here is greener and longer». «Thank you, — answered the goat, — the grass down there may be much better. But, if I come down, you will get a good meal. So, I prefer to stay here – where you can`t reach. At least I am quite safe».
  4. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.The old man is no longer able to work in his garden; still he doesn`t sell it to his neighbours, who offer him large sums of money; and the fruit-trees, once so beautiful, have run wild.
  5. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.A person who doesn`t keep to some stable occupation and permanent place of residence.
  6. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.One day J.K.J. went to the Haymarket Store. There were a lot of dogs in the lobby waiting for the return of their owners, who were shopping inside. All the dogs were patient and good. Then a young lady entered leading a little fox-terrier and chained him there. Without a warning the fox-terrier bit his neighbours on the right and on the left and in a second the whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium of fighting dogs.
  7. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Police officer: «I don`t understand you, Mr.Dobbins. You are offered a large sum of money and a comfortable position. Give us the names of the strike leaders».John Dobbins: «I suppose you cannot understand it. There are things in the world much more important for a working man than money».
  8. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.I`ve got a friend. She`s a nice girl but she`s a chatter-box. I ask her to give up this habit but she can`t help it. Still I like her very much as she is very kind. I follow the proverb: «…»
  9. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Last year I worked very hard at my math and English. I spent all my time reading books and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was: … .
  10. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.If you want to enter a Higher Educational Establishment you should work very hard and acquire profound knowledge. It is rather difficult but you shouldn`t forget the proverb: « … ».
  11. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Bill is so depressed now. His only son has recently been arrested. All his friends already know about it as … .
  12. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Don`t be so impatient! Work hard and you will learn the language well. Rome wasn`t built in a day.
  13. Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Amir Temur was the leader of the Asian people in their fight for independence against the Mongolian oppression as he thought … .

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Anton Rubenstein was asked by a friend of his: «Why do you play the piano every day? But you are already an exceptional pianist and you do not have to do it every day». » If I do not practice it one day, I will notice it myself. If I do not practice it two days, my pupils will notice it. If I do not practice it three days, the audience will notice it».

  • 1. Practice makes perfect.
  • 2. If you want a thing well done do it youself.
  • 3. What`s done can`t be undone.
  • 4. Action speaks louder than words.
  • 5. Strike the iron while it is hot.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.A fisherman had been fishing for a long time but without luck. At last he tugged at his net and saw a small fish caught in it. «Please let me go, — begged the fish, — I will grow bigger in a few days and then you can catch me again». The fisherman said: «Now that I have caught you, I won`t let you go. If I leave you, I may never see you again».

  • 1. Don`t count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • 2. Safety is the first importance.
  • 3. Lost time cannot be recalled.
  • 4. Never find fault with overs.
  • 5. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Once a wolf saw a goat on a top of a hill and said: «Come down here, Miss Goat! The grass here is greener and longer». «Thank you, — answered the goat, — the grass down there may be much better. But, if I come down, you will get a good meal. So, I prefer to stay here – where you can`t reach. At least I am quite safe».

  • 1. Dirty tricks seldom work.
  • 2. Tastes differ.
  • 3. Idleness is a curse.
  • 4. Never find fault with others.
  • 5. Pride goes before a fall.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.The old man is no longer able to work in his garden; still he doesn`t sell it to his neighbours, who offer him large sums of money; and the fruit-trees, once so beautiful, have run wild.

  • 1. A hard nut to crack.
  • 2. A dog in the manger.
  • 3. A curst cow has short horns.
  • 4. A bird may be known by its song.
  • 5. All covet, all lose.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.A person who doesn`t keep to some stable occupation and permanent place of residence.

  • 1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  • 2. Extremes meet.
  • 3. The belly has no ears.
  • 4. A drop in the bucket.
  • 5. The die is cast.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.One day J.K.J. went to the Haymarket Store. There were a lot of dogs in the lobby waiting for the return of their owners, who were shopping inside. All the dogs were patient and good. Then a young lady entered leading a little fox-terrier and chained him there. Without a warning the fox-terrier bit his neighbours on the right and on the left and in a second the whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium of fighting dogs.

  • 1. Make hay while the sun shines.
  • 2. To have a finger in the pie.
  • 3. To get out of bed on the wrong side.
  • 4. Handsome is as handsome does.
  • 5. One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Police officer: «I don`t understand you, Mr.Dobbins. You are offered a large sum of money and a comfortable position. Give us the names of the strike leaders».John Dobbins: «I suppose you cannot understand it. There are things in the world much more important for a working man than money».

  • 1. Enough to Make a Horse Laugh.
  • 2. Every Country Has Its Customs.
  • 3. East or West Home is Best.
  • 4. A Good Name is Better than Riches.
  • 5. Four Eyes See More than Two.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.I`ve got a friend. She`s a nice girl but she`s a chatter-box. I ask her to give up this habit but she can`t help it. Still I like her very much as she is very kind. I follow the proverb: «…»

  • 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • 2. All that glitters is not gold.
  • 3. Choose an author as you choose a friend.
  • 4. A false friend is worse than an open enemy.
  • 5. What can`t be cured must be endured.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Last year I worked very hard at my math and English. I spent all my time reading books and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was: … .

  • 1. Better short of pence than short of sense.
  • 2. No pains, no gains.
  • 3. Look before you leap.
  • 4. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
  • 5. Speech is silver but silence is gold.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.If you want to enter a Higher Educational Establishment you should work very hard and acquire profound knowledge. It is rather difficult but you shouldn`t forget the proverb: « … ».

  • 1. Speech is silver but silence is gold.
  • 2. When it thunders the thief becomes honest.
  • 3. First think, then speak.
  • 4. After death — the doctor.
  • 5. No sweet without some sweat.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Bill is so depressed now. His only son has recently been arrested. All his friends already know about it as … .

  • 1. standing pools gather filth.
  • 2. bad news has wings.
  • 3. half heart is no heart.
  • 4. he laughs best who laughs last.
  • 5. haste makes waste.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Don`t be so impatient! Work hard and you will learn the language well. Rome wasn`t built in a day.

  • 1. Step by step one goes far.
  • 2. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
  • 3. Out of sight – out of mind.
  • 4. What greater crime than loss of time.
  • 5. No news – goods news.

Choose the appropriate proverb to the passage.Amir Temur was the leader of the Asian people in their fight for independence against the Mongolian oppression as he thought … .

  • 1. When in Rome do as the Romans do.
  • 2. Every cook praises his own broth.
  • 3. Out of sight out of mind.
  • 4. All is well that ends well.
  • 5. Better die standing than live kneeling.

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